Giving Your Cat A Pill.
Giving a cat a pill can be a nightmare. No cat wants something stuck in its throat, and it will fight you with a tooth and nail to stop it. Although most cats are small in size, you may be amazed at how strong they really are. There are ways you can get your cat to take its pills, which we will cover below. An easy way to give a cat pill is to grind the energy into a powder by placing them between two tablespoons. Once the pill is powdered, add it to the cat's wet food. Cats used to eat dry cat food will see wet food and think of it as a treatment. They will usually eat it, not knowing that they are just taking their medicine. If the medicine happens in capsule form, all you have to do is separate the capsule and spray the medicine on some wet food and give it to your pet. If the food contains a pill or if your pet is sick, there is a good chance they will not eat it. In this case, you should look to the animal pilot for the animal. You can get these devices from your veterinaria...