Tips for stopping spraying.


Whenever your cat laughs at the door or something in your house, lifts its tail, and urinates - you have a problem. This problem is known as spraying, and it is most common in cats kept indoors. Although it is a very annoying problem, it is an unresolved issue.

Contrary to many people's beliefs, spraying is not a garbage can, but rather a marking problem. Inhaled cat urine contains pheromones, which is something cats and other animals use to communicate. Pheromones resemble human fingers, in that they are used to identify cats in other animals.

When a cat sniffs something, it simply marks its spot with its urine. Spraying is simply a cat's way of letting others know that a field belongs to them. While it may be crazy and annoying, getting angry with your cat will not solve anything. If you raise your voice or show anger at your cat, there may be the effect of further spraying.

Hot cats are easily attracted to the smell of urine. For hot cats, spraying is probably an invitation to love. Cats often spray during the heat and cause cat litter to be born within a few months. Remember that cats are not only sprayed during the heat, as some will also spray when they come in contact with other cats, or when they feel depressed.

Although spraying is a form of contact with cats, the smell of humans is awesome. The good thing here is that most cats will do most of their outdoor spraying. If you have an indoor cat that does not come out, spraying can be a real problem. If you notice spills in your home, you should take action and do something about it immediately.

The most effective and easy way to stop spraying is to have your cat neutral or abstract, sex-dependent. Most of the male cats used will stop spraying on the same day as they are operated on. If you don’t want to get your cat neutered or stripped, you should look at other options. If you hope to someday give birth to your cat, you certainly do not want her to take it or destroy it.

The best thing you can do in this situation is talk to your veterinarian. He will be able to give you advice, and he can solve the problem without surgery. There may be an existing medical problem causing the problem, which your vet may see. You should always do something by spraying the minute you start - just because cat urine stinks and can leave spots all over your home.


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