the most intelligent poodle.
Dog, however, has to be the most intelligent of all the representatives of the breed of the dog. There is a general view that a person's days are busy with their jewels, and that is a lot of special attention with respect to their toilet. It may be true that, to retain water in order and perfectly clean, the owner is required to pay more attention to it than is necessary for many breeds, but in other aspects, it causes no problems, and everyone else who is attached to be consistent in their belief that there is a newer, more interesting, or more flexible than that of a co-worker. His mental qualities, and the sharp line of reasoning ability, in fact, are so great that there is something almost human about his attraction and devotion. Have the ability to learn, it is never denied, and many stories are told of his great talent and versatility.
He has proven that he is not merely as a showman's dog. This is more than just a horse, and integral will be trained to walk in a straight line and stand on his head. He is an expert at performing tricks, but it is as vigilant to the brain that sets it apart from the other animals.
The thick, long coat of this dog has the peculiarity that is, if it wasn't combed it constantly, it curls into a small braid that will grow in length as the new coat grows in, and hold on to it.?????????? The old her and the new branches, intertwined with each other, so readable, rope and wire. After all, if the ropes are cut, you're not likely to be a "fairy tale" and that they drag on the ground, and so prevent the poor animal is moving with a certain degree of comfort, and freedom.
Corded poodles are very effective, and due to the remarkable appearance of the coat, attract a lot of public attention when it is displayed in the show, but they have lost popularity among most of the users and it is scarce, due to the fact that they are not able to be made into a hat and kept it in the house. The reason for this is that the coat will need to be oiled from time to time, so the strands are flexible and will not crack, and, of course, because their mother cannot be brushed, the only way to keep the dog clean is to wash it, and that it is a long and time-consuming process for integral dog. In addition, the jacket will dry it for hours and hours, and just freshly washed, they are not kept in a warm room, they are extremely susceptible to catching a cold. As a result, in the coat of Cordoba poodles are almost always dirty, and a little bit stinky.
General information about the dog
Head: Long, straight and very thin, with a wide skull, with a small peak in the in the back.
Facial region: muzzle: Long (but not as sharp and strong, but it is not the full cheeks; and the teeth are white, and smooth; gums black, lips black and not showing in the user's mouth.
Eyes: almond-shaped, dark, full of fire and intelligence.
Facial region: nose: Black and sharp.
Ears, excessive short-term, and long, wide, low, and hang close to the face.
Neck: Well-built and strong enough to hold it's head high and with dignity.
Feet: Rather small, well-formed, with the toes well arched, pads thick and hard.
Legs: forelegs are straight from the shoulder, with a large number of the bones and muscles in the body.
Hindquarters: strong, muscular, and well-rounded, with a lowered heel.
Tail: Set of fairly well-kept, never is too short.?????????? and it won't be spread all the way to the back.
Wool is Very thick, and item's texture; if corded, hanging curtains, are flexible wires; if you are not rough, very dense and strong, of even length, it's..., thick and thick, without knots or cords.
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